Driss El Hilali Vice President of African Kickboxing Confederation (WAKO Africa) appointed as a member of the Executive Office of the Union of Arab Sports Federations
African Kickboixng COnfederation (WAKO Africa) is pleased to announce that on Sunday, December 9th, 2018, in Dubai (United Arab Emirates) Mr. Driss EL HILALI, Vice President of African Kickboxing Confederation (WAKO AFrica) and member of the Board of WAKO was appointed as a member of the Executive Office of the Union of Arab Sports Federations, chaired by His Royal Highness Prince Talal bin Bader bin Saud bin Abdul Aziz, Chairman of the Arab Sports Council.
Congratulations!The meeting of the presidents of the sports federations held on Sunday, December 09, 2018 as part of the annual conference of the Arab sports federations and hosted by Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
This appointment is another strong achievement by Mr. Driss El Hilali as the former athlete. Mr. El Hilali background is sport and development of different sport such as Taekwondo, Muay Thai and Kickboxing in Arab speaker countries is well known to the community including Nord African Countries such as Morocco, Tunisia, Lybia, Egypt and …
We congratulate all WAKO members, and other sport organizations in which Mr. Driss El Halili has active role.
African Kickboxing Confederation (WAKO Africa)
Public Relation
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