Vice President of African Kickboxing Confederation at the highest

Mr. Driss El Hilali, the Vice President of African Kickboxing Federation, Fonder President of the Royal Morocco Kickboxing Federation and President of the Royal Morocco Taekwondo Federation.

Mr. Driss Elhilali had the honour to being invited by the President of the International Paralympic Committee to participate in a Victory Ceremony during the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games in recognition of his on-going support of the Paralympic Movement.

Mr. Andrew Parsons the President of the International Paralympic Committee in an official invitation letter addressed to MrDriss Elhilali decaled: “On behalf of the International Paralympic Committee and Tokyo 2020 Organising Committee its is my pleasure to invite you to participate in a Victory Ceremony during the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games.”

Mr. Andrew Parsons added: “Winning a medal at the Paralympic Games is the culmination of a Paralympic athlete’s sporting career. For many it is the moment that formally recognises the achievement of a lifetime. Therefore, the presentation of medals or gifts at the Paralympic Games is an honour we have reserved for a select group of individuals who have contributed to the development and promotion of the Paralympic Movement and supported the Tokyo Paralympic Games. In recognition of your on-going support of the Paralympic Movement, we would like to extend the honour to you to participate in a ceremony for the winning Paralympic athletes.”

Mr. Driss El Hilali, the Vice President of African Kickboxing Confederation is among the influential world personalities in combat sports who has been entrusted to participate in the ceremony of the winning Paralympic athletes.

Mr. Driss Elhilali declared : “It was a great pleasure and honour for me be chosen and invited to take part to the valuable ceremony for the wining Paralympic athletes.”

The Vice President of African Kickboxing Confederation add: “Together with Mr. Emmanuel Essissma  the President of African Kickboxing confederation and Mr. Nasser Nassiri, the President of Asian Kickboxing Confederation back in 2013, since signature of the mutual bilateral agreement, we have established the working group in program of combat sports Paralympic. Our Program is in final stage and has been already presented with success to the concerned persons at the highest position at the Paralympic African and Asian movements.

We thank you Mr. Driss E lhilali, the Vice President of African Kickboxing Federation, Fonder President of Royal Morocco Kickboxing Federation and President of Royal Morocco Taekwondo Federation for his efforts and contribution to the development and promotion of the Paralympic Movement.

Public Relations Department
African Kickboxing Confederation










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